October 1, 2021
Thank you!
August 25, 2021
The White Hall School District has created a COVID-19 Dashboard. The dashboard will be updated daily. It will include the current number of students and staff quarantined due to C...
August 9, 2021
The White Hall School District is proud to announce the Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year. Ashley Thompson, an Art teacher at both Hardin and Taylor Elementary was na...
August 4, 2021
A COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic will be held on August 12th for all White Hall School District employees, substitute teachers, and students over the age of 12. The clinic will be h...
July 22, 2021
Moody students and parents can come meet their teachers on Friday, August 13. Kindergarten/1st grade - 11:00 am-Noon; 2nd/3rd grade - Noon-1:00 pm; 4th/5th grade - 2:00-3:00 pm. I...
June 1, 2021
Jefferson Country Reading Council has donated these wonderful books in memory of our beloved second grade teacher Mrs. Shauna Schod.
May 3, 2021
The White Hall School District Art Department has created a Virtual Art Show. Please enjoy the amazing work of our students! Virtual Art Show
April 30, 2021
Moody students were treated to Tony the Tiger and frosted flakes because THEY'RE GRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!
April 21, 2021
The proposed 2021-2022 Digital Learning Plan is available. A link to provide feedback can be found on the final page of the document. Proposed 2021-2022 Digital Learning Plan ...
March 18, 2021
Bob Tarter shows off his bunny "BunBun" to the students and staff at Moody. Bob entertains the staff and students while educating them to the perils of drug and alcohol use.
February 24, 2021
Moody students will join in the "All Arkansas Reads One Book" starting March 1st! Every student will receive a copy of the book Trumpet of the Swan . Letters will be sent ou...
February 19, 2021
Come on Moody, even Mr. Atkinson's family is getting in on the Snowman building! Remember turn in your snowman pictures to carnahank@whitehallsd.org. There will be prizes giv...
January 8, 2021
January is School Board Appreciation Month! The White Hall School District has an outstanding school board comprised of seven community volunteers. If you see a school board memb...
October 16, 2020
Moody will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 26-30. Monday-Wear red white and blue for " United we stand for a drug free land" Tuesday- wear western wear "Give drugs the boot...
October 5, 2020
Per the White Hall School District Calendar, October 12th will be a district defined Virtual Day for students. On this day, students will access their assignments through Googl...
September 21, 2020
The flu clinic for Moody Elementary will be October 5. The hearing and vision screening will be October 27 and 28. Notes and information will be sent home. Sorry but there will...
September 16, 2020
The White Hall School District has updated its attendance procedures for onsite students for the 2020 – 2021 school year. This update is intended to provide clarification so we ca...